Officer Duties/Descriptions


The President is the primary leader of the section. They represent the section within the community and are also responsible for communications with Society-level Committees, the Board of Directors, or HQ. They lead SWE-CM activities by focusing on the Section’s future direction, development, and vision. The President presides at Executive Council meetings and membership business meetings. The President must be a paid and voting member of SWE.


  • Represent the section before the public and preside at meetings of the section and its Executive Council;
  • Appoint all committee chairs, with the approval of the executive council, except the nominating chair;
  • Authorize the disbursement of section funds within the budget approved by the Executive Council;
  • Be an authorized signatory on all section accounts;
  • Coordinate activities and execute the business and policies of the section;
  • Review the year-end section financial report;
  • Provide oversight and guidance to the Awards Chair;
  • Establish succession plan;
  • Provide leadership training for the Executive Council.

Vice President:

The Vice President creates opportunities to demonstrate the value of diversity by acting as the liaison between SWE-CM and other technical and related societies. Since they fulfill the Presidential responsibilities in the President’s absence, they must be a paid and voting member of SWE.


  • Assume the duties of the President if they are unable to serve;
  • Provide oversight and guidance to the Professional Development Chair and the Publicity Chair;
  • Where no Awards Chair exists, the Vice President is responsible for the gift/recognition for the outgoing President.


The Secretary provides coordination for the Section.


  • Coordinate and schedule meetings for the Executive Council;
  • Provide oversight and guidance to the Membership Chair;
  • Manage SWE-CM email account including any follow-up actions;
  • Maintain the records of the section.


The Treasurer manages all organizational funds. They maintain the checking/savings accounting records, develop and track budgets, and create financial strategies. The treasurer steers fund-raising activities. They file the financial report due July 31 each year. They must be a paid member of SWE.

Duties per bylaws:

  • Be responsible for the collection, distribution, and safekeeping of section funds;
  • Prepare, maintain, and report as directed on the financial position of the section to the approved budget;
  • Submit a financial report to the Society per established procedures;
  • Provide oversight and guidance to the Outreach Chair.;
  • Prove financial update to Executive Council upon request;
  • Submit a financial report to SWE HQ by July 31;
  • File e-Postcard with IRS by Nov 15;
  • Complete and submit the Annual Report (Roster Update) to SWE HQ by June 30.

Awards Chair:

The Awards Chair is responsible for coordinating the processes for Section recognition awards.


  • Coordinate Section submissions for Regional and National awards;
  • Coordinate the Distinguished Engineering Service Award (DESA) and the Service to SWE Award (SSA) processes. (The DESA recognizes an individual who best exemplifies the engineering profession through leadership and service, including contributed time and effort in areas such as public service, public awareness, professional development, and leadership, or others specified by the nominator. The SSA recognizes a SWE Member who has demonstrated dedication and significant service to SWE and the Section.)
  • The Chair is responsible for announcing the Section award recipients, coordinating the ordering and purchasing of the awards, and coordinating with the Publicity chair for inclusion in social media and the Section newsletter.
  • Organize gifts/recognition for outgoing Officers.

Membership Chair:

The Membership Chair coordinates programs to increase membership and enhance the privileges of SWE membership.


  • Coordinate with SWE Membership services to ensure an updated List Serv SWE-CM member list (SWE-CM-MEM) and the expanded member/supporter list (SWE-CM);
  • Maintain personal data files on Section members and prospective members;
  • Coordinate membership activities, applications, and membership upgrades with National SWE. They welcome new members and also provide bios of new members for the Section newsletter.
  • Ensure Section abides by Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act (CAN SPAM) procedures.

Outreach Chair:

The Outreach Chair acts as a resource on engineering careers for students, their counselors, and parents.  They also act as a liaison between other SWE sections.


  • Maintain and disseminate information on available scholarships and coordinates the Certificates of Merit and/or Achievement program;
  • Coordinate with local university SWE sections;
  • Coordinate with other professional SWE sections, other local professional societies, and other STEM programs for joint events;
  • Coordinate with the Professional Development chair to ensure joint events are included in the Professional Development program plan.

Professional Development Chair:

The Professional Development Chair provides opportunities for member development and achievement.


  • Provide opportunities for members to enhance their technical skills and leadership skills, and expand their network;
  • Create and execute a program plan of virtual and in-person events that support member development;
  • Coordinate and invite targeted audience (e.g., members or members/supporters) for planned events;
  • Coordinate with Publicity Chair for inclusion of program plan and events in social media and newsletter;
  • Ensure a report is completed to summarize event metrics for the Executive Council;
  • Coordinate thank you’s or other recognition for event speakers and guests.

Publicity Chair:

The Publicity Chair provides publicity to advance the Society’s objectives and Section goals.


  • Maintain and update the Section website;
  • Manage social media accounts including annual updates of login information;
  • Send news accounts of Section activities to SWE including “The Magazine of the Society of Women Engineers”.
  • Create and disseminate the SWE-CM newsletter;
  • Publicize the SWE Charlotte-Metrolina Section efforts to a wider audience of local companies and leaders;
  • Evaluate options to increase SWE-CM visibility and arrange for media coverage of events.